
Showing posts from May, 2018

Gibb River Road

Manning gorge A longer than normal stop in Broome over 6 nights meant we were well rested for the next leg travelling the Gibb River Road. The Gibb is a 700km stretch of unsealed road that stretches between Derby and Kununurra east of Broome. It has a reputation to be fairly hard going, however with a booming number of grey nomads hitching their vans and a thriving local tourist industry, I suspect the economics stack up for the government to ensure the road is passable and well maintained. We found it pretty tame with just a few sections of bumpy road corrugations.        No speed - long drive! That said, covering such a large distance on dirt meant a fine layer of Kimberley dust covering everything we own. Meh, we expected it. ‘Embrace the pindan’ was put to us by a mate, how right he was!  Pindan is in the air... everywhere you look around If the red dust was only on the outside... One of many crossings on the Gibb...

The price of experience

Karijini National Park is a place that has been recommended to us time and time again. It’s a small but significant Park in the Pilbara. Its beauty and reputation are due to the magnificent Gorges within the Park that we clambered down into, kids in tow. It was great fun and our efforts were rewarded with refreshing deep water swimming holes. Oxer lookout @ Karijini National Park The colours of Karijini Kids in Dales Gorge Climbing down the ladder to Hancock Gorge (that was the easy part!) Some of the sections were tough to navigate Prepared to go wading through the water The "spider walk" leading to Kermits Pool Our visit was inadvertently timed with the annual Karijini Experience, a festival that celebrates local indigenous people and culture, and hosts’ premium music and dining 'experiences' in stunning outdoor locations.   You can usually guess something is going to carry a premium price tag when it touts itself...