
We should talk about a little secret they've been keeping from us in the West. Equivalent in beauty to The Great Barrier Reef, but sitting meters from the shore in Cape Range National Park south of Exmouth, is the exceptional Ningaloo Reef. A stunning coral and ocean marine park that stretches a few hundred kilometres along the WA coast about a thousand clicks north of Perth. Well it’s not that much of a secret, but I think Queensland’s has taken the lion's share of reef talk in recent years. Pretty sure the Ningaloo locals are okay with it though! Its also one of a few locations in the world where Whale Sharks aggregate.. for reasons science has not been able to uncover. Animals 'aggregating' is a strange concept for me, associating the language with some component of data. Also that science knows so little about the behaviour and patterns of Whale Sharks seems odd. A solitary animal never observed mating or with offspring and no idea why they appear or mi...